Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Maggie on, Economics

The other day while driving home from wal-mart with Maggie, she gave me a thrifty tip on economics...and I thought I'd pass it on to you.
"If you want to get something like dolls, toys or pink dresses and it cost lots of money like 2 or 3 or 50,000 dollars and you don't wanna pay that much. Just give the guy $1 and get it. Cuz that won't cost to much and the guy will be happy."

Trip to Florida

I spent the majority of last week in Florida, attending The King Institutes's Level 7 class on TKM, taught by Jim Robertson N.D.
Being once again reminded of what a magnificent and wise God we serve and more about His wonderful creation, us.

When this Wisconsin girl left her northern home last Tuesday it was 59 degrees, when she arrived at her Florida destination just a short 2 1/2 hours later it was 90+ (and she loved it). I was meet at the airport by a very dear lady named Gail, who was also my gracious hostess for the week, we instantly got along great.
Day one of classes dawned bright and early the next morning at 8:30, with an hour lunch break, class didn't wrap up till sometime after 5:30pm. We covered a lot of good information, and took a lot of notes. By that evening I was ready for a quite dinner at the Robertson's house, so I thought... It turns out that Dr. and Mrs. Robertson are a part of a bluegrass band called Back Porch Revival, and they have a jam session on most Thursday nights, but since this night was Wednesday they decided to have a pre-jam, jam session, and nothing would please them more than that I should play the Bodhran along with them. I had never played the Bodhran before, so I did my best to not throw them off time and keep beat, and had a over all great time.

Day two started off much the same, about half way through the afternoon session, we broke up for "Hands On" the favorite part of class for most of the attendees. That evening being Thursday, was official jam we stopped by China 1 (China 1 uses no preservatives or MSG in their food) for a quick bite of dinner, than it was off to the Roberson's house for another fun evening of music and me dutifully drumming on the Bodhran.

The final day of class came and we still had lots to cover. We also had a special guest speaker Dr. David Edwards a holistic dentist, coming in to speak a little about the holistic approach to dentistry. For dinner that evening I enjoyed Thia for the first time, at the Thia House with the Robertsons, Mrs. Robertson's sister Ginger her husband, and Dr. Edwards. Another wonderful evening, with food and friends.

My plane wasn't scheduled to leave till 8:20 Saturday evening, so Dr. Robertson took me around and showed me some of the local sights or "Real Florida" as he called it. First stop was a little organic winery where we walked around and listened to a local band. Second stop, was the oldest race track in Florida. Also I was taken to Highland Hammocks Sate Park, it was absolutely beautiful, I could have spent hours there...but alas I had a plane to catch.

I arrived home safe and sound late that night, glad to have learned more and spent time with wonderful people.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Pineapple Relish

2 cups chopped *pineapple
1 cup finely chopped red onion
1/4 cup lime juice
1 tsp. fresh grated ginger
1/4 cup chopped fresh parsley
1/4 tsp. ground turmeric
Pinch of cayenne pepper optional

Combine all ingredients, refrigerate and enjoy. Can be used on fish, grilled chicken or eat it with corn chips.

* substitute the fresh pineapple with fresh cut mango for a fun new twist

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Waking Up Is Hard To Do

Lol what can I say, it's just funny :)

Monday, August 9, 2010

Stay Hydrated

I know everyone tells you, "You need to drink more water"... big deal. But did you know, when you are only 3% dehydrated your mind stops working clearly, the average person on the street is more than 3% dehydrated. Our bodies are made up of somewhere between 60 and 70% water (depending on age, weight and gender). Water not only helps the blood flow, it also helps the body eliminate toxins. Its no surprise then that Dr Kellogg said "Water without a doubt is one of the most ancient of all remedial agents for disease." One way of elimination our bodies use, is through perspiration or just pain ol' sweating...our pores open up and the toxins are carried out. Just another important reason why we should make sure we're getting the adequate amount of fresh pure water in these hot summer months.
So the question is, "What is the best kind of water and how much?" The ideal water would be fresh unsoiled rain water, that is not run off from roofs or out of gutters. I would suggest drinking ether spring or well water not city water. An easy way for a healthy person to figure out about how much he should be drinking is, his weight in ounces divided in half, if you weighed 120 lbs the formula would look something like this 120lbs=120oz/2=60oz. It may seem like a lot at first but your body will soon get used to it, and then it will crave it, and to top it off you'll be able to think more clearly. So Bottoms up
...and the little black bar continues to flash on an empty page, waiting for the out pouring of thought. The writers fingers fly, and then the back-space key does its job. Once again the little black bar flashes on the empty page, as if mocking the writer saying 'where are your thoughts, your ideas put them down write them out...what are you waiting for?' And the writer, all the while feeling as if her brain was a vast desolate chasm empty and void of thought...

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Health Benefits from Your Everyday Fruits and Vegetables

Apples- Contain phosphate of calcium, potash and soda, albumen, chlorophyle malic acid, lime, gum, sugar ect...They can help acidity, colic, diarrhoea, disorders in the liver and kidneys, and gall-stones.

Cabbage- Has sulphur, soda, and iron. And is useful for coughs, bronchitis, asthma, warts, and some skin diseases.

Celery- Contains iron and sulphur and is good for rheumatism and gout

Figs- Are a good laxative. They contain sugar, phosphates, gum, albumen.

Grapes- Are rich in sugar called glucose. They contain tannin, gum tartrate of lime, magnesia, alum, iron, citric and malic acid ect...Grapes help stop thirst and because of this, are useful during fevers, also for teething children. They promote healthy urine flow and are useful for people with gout rheumatism and cancer.

Lemons- Contain potassium, citric malate, and tartaric acid, and are also rich in vitamins. Lemons are believed to help with spongy gums, scurvy, gout, rheumatism, constipation, sore throat, thirst, heart burn, lumbago, and coughs.

Lettuce-contains potassium salts and is useful for sleeplessness

Mangoes- Have sugar and highly refined turpentine, iron, useful acids. They are helpful for rheumatism, diarrhoea, diabetes. The seeds and rinds of a mangoes are astringent.

Onions- Contain sulphur, phosphorus, potassium salts, ammonia, phosphoric and acetic acid, starch ect...good for coughs, bronchitis, colds, influenza, liver troubles, inflammatory conditions, gout, rheumatism. Onions promote perspiration and circulation of blood.

Peach- Have iron, gum, sugar and acids. It is a tonic and is useful for fever and anaemia.

Spinach- Contains ferrum salts, some contain sodium salts, and are good for constipation, and fever.

Information from Naturopathy for the 21st Century by Robert Thiel, PH.D

Monday, August 2, 2010

Its the Duck Song

Haha now you'll be singing it all day