Tuesday, September 13, 2011

"God has made a universe of moral and material law; when we break the laws we break ourselves upon the laws. We will reap the consequences in ourselves."
-Richard O. Brennan M.D.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Applying Hering's Law of Cure, To the Heart

In my ND studies there has been a reoccurring theme based on Hering's Law of Cure which states "All cure comes from within out, from the head down..." for example, if you have digestive issues you can one, take a tums or some other medication to suppress the symptoms and accept you may be doing so for the rest of your life, and also accept that later on in life other issues will probably develop. Or two, address the internal cause of the symptoms, whether it be your pH levels or you simply have an intolerance to a certain food. When the internal or source of the issue has been addressed then the external or the symptoms that we sense will naturally change on their own.

The concept of Hering's Law can also be applied to the heart. In this day and age there is culturally a strong emphases on external physical appearances, and in some cases no more so than in the Christian community. We have set up so many of our own standards as to what "is" and what "is not" appropriate, when a fellow Christian does not conform to or meet our standards we black ball them or write them off as being ungodly. We do not take the time to see where they have come from or in what direction they are headed. People are not marble statues fashioned in one way, then set on display, never to change, they are living changing beings.
Just like the body, the actions we display, how we dress, and the words we use, are the "external symptoms" with an internal cause. That cause being the condition of our heart. (The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil of the evil stored up in his heart. For out of the overflow of his heart his mouth speaks. Luke 6:45) We can pressure someone to change how they behave, but until their heart has been changed it is equivalent to taking a tums every time you sense your indigestion. Force will mask the symptoms for a while but symptoms inevitably come back.
This is where Hering's Law can be applied, our focus needs to be more on the curing of the heart, the root source of the external symptoms, making sure the heart lines up with God. Then externals will naturally start taking care of themselves.
How do we do this? One of the best ways is by reprogramming our thoughts "All cure comes from within out, from the head down..." (Do not be conformed to this world , but be transformed by the renewing of your mind... Romans 12:2) What we fill our minds with on an everyday bases will effect us mentally, emotionally, and yes physically. We need to be continually filling our minds with the things of God, critically thinking about and discussing with other believers what we are reading and learning from the Bible, all the while remembering to give grace to others because they are going through the same process of curing sanctification, from the inside out, that we are.