Tuesday, October 21, 2008

6 things.....

My dear friend Kathryn Yen tagged me so

here are the 6 things about me

1) My favorite movie is Horatio Hornblower

2) I love music and a variety of (which shows on my mp3 player:)

3) I like to read...one of my favorite books is "Marriage to a difficult man"

Half way done

4) if I was rich I would have a small convertible sports car, pickup truck, and some sort of SUV

5) I like any chance I can to laugh (its almost become a bad habit:)

6)mmmmm....my favorite colors are mocha brown, pearl white, sage green (and i love all 3 together)

ok there is 6 things did i do that right?

I tag

Jessica E.

Megan C.

Amber A.

Anna V.

Joanna E.

Dawn B.

~Here are the rules
-Link to the person who tagged you.*Post the rules on your blog.
-Write six random things about yourself.
-Tag’ six-or-so other people at the bottom of your post
-And leave comments on their blogs letting them know they’ve been tagged.
-Let the person who tagged you know when you’ve written the post


Anonymous said...

wait a min.! please tell me that you are refering to another Dawn B.!? your not talking about ME are you????? *hehe*
I just got done being tagged!!! LOL
ok so 6 things ... hmmm ...

Raeanne Ailene said...

Great Job Loo!

Loo said...

yep dawn that be you lol :)

thank u reanne

Jessica said...

Okay, so I just posted 6 things over on Raeanne's blog, but here are a few more:

1. I respond to "Das" (but only when Winston says it!)
2. I am also called "Miss Jesst" (by Nathan Hirst)
3. I'm 5' 7" (bet you didn't know that one. Ha!)
4. I like chocolate (another shocking tidbit, I know).
5. I like coffee (but I really try to not NEED my coffee... I do this morning, though!) :-)

- Coming up with the last one always seems the hardest for some reason, let's see -

6. According to one online test my average typing speed is approximately 80 wpm. (But of course that is only when I have approximately 80 words to type and I don't have to think them up along the way...)