Monday, June 28, 2010

Unlocking the mystery of Doughnuts and Bagels

Today while outside finishing the remnants of our mid-day meal, enjoying the light breeze that blew and the golden rays from the warm sun on our faces. My little sister Maggie unlocked for me the mystery of doughnut and bagel making. And as I deem it self-fish to keep knowledge to oneself, I have therefore at once decided to pass on this newly acquired information word for word to the best of my ability, true of faulty as it may be...
"It all starts with a Hamburger bun, (if you want a beagle with seeds use a hamburger bun with seeds) Then you make a hole in the center, remove some flavor and then bake it. And you have a bagel.
If you want a doughnut you do the same thing except put lost of frosting on know chocolate, white or strawberry and maybe some candy too"


Kathryn Grace said...

LOL! I love it! It's always nice to learn something new. :-)

Tara Janelle said...

Cute cute cute! I can just hear her little voice telling you that! :-) Love that girly!

Cioara Andrei said...

Foarte interesant subiectul deybatut de tine.M-am uitat pe blogul tau si imi place ce am vazut, cu siguranta am sa mai revin o zi buna!