Friday, October 31, 2008

Dear Mr. Obama

no pic.s :(

Dear subscribers, readers, friends and family :),
I was planning on posting pictures of all the fun I had this past weekend  down in Peoria at the Reformation fair laptop has a rebellious streak in it, and has decided not to let me get online. :) So I have decided to point you to some other blogs of note that have more obedient computers.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

6 things.....

My dear friend Kathryn Yen tagged me so

here are the 6 things about me

1) My favorite movie is Horatio Hornblower

2) I love music and a variety of (which shows on my mp3 player:)

3) I like to of my favorite books is "Marriage to a difficult man"

Half way done

4) if I was rich I would have a small convertible sports car, pickup truck, and some sort of SUV

5) I like any chance I can to laugh (its almost become a bad habit:)

6) favorite colors are mocha brown, pearl white, sage green (and i love all 3 together)

ok there is 6 things did i do that right?

I tag

Jessica E.

Megan C.

Amber A.

Anna V.

Joanna E.

Dawn B.

~Here are the rules
-Link to the person who tagged you.*Post the rules on your blog.
-Write six random things about yourself.
-Tag’ six-or-so other people at the bottom of your post
-And leave comments on their blogs letting them know they’ve been tagged.
-Let the person who tagged you know when you’ve written the post

Monday, October 20, 2008

this sunday

this past Sunday we had some friends from church over for a bonfire and volleyball.
It turned out to be a veryyyyyyy windy afternoon.
making for a very interesting game(s)

we played one game guys vs. gals and (lol :) the gals won

Thursday, October 16, 2008

lots of pics

Okay, the top pictures are the most recent.

~this past weekend we had another test at karate....although I do not have any pictures of that, here are some from Tuesday night. When we were awarded our new belt ranks and also some of sparing ( treat that we don't get to do often:)
Erik getting his yellow belt
Evin and Zack F.
Sensei and I (always a most intimidating experience)
~Corn maze with the Hills
the 4 of us
looking out over the maze from the tower
view of the maze
Daniel (trying:) to ride a little peddle car thing
~The Little People Skit

we didn't get a whole lot of pictures of practicing for the skit but these are a few of my fav.

~Churches 10 anniversary camping trip

sadly our camera died about 8 min. after we first got to Erbers house Friday night so we have like no pictures of that fun weekend (so if there are any of you who would like to share some with us that would be great)
But we did enjoy camping out under the Erbers trees (in tents) and making "moments"
Ok, so that should bring you all up to date on whats been happening around here.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

sorry all....I know it has been a very very very very very......loooooooooong time since I have posted anything worth while (or anything at all for that matter :) on my blog. so again I apologize from the bottom of my hart. I will try my best and get a nice juicy post with few words a lots of pictures up no later than this Friday.

(ok peaches now you can comment)