Tuesday, September 21, 2010

On Orthomolecular Nutrition

I have recently added the book "Putting it all Together, The New Orthomolecular Nutrition" by Abram Hoffer, M.d, Ph.D and Morton Walker, D.P.M to my ever growing list of books I have read and found their content to be very informative.

In this book the authors discuss different vitamins and minerals, their benefits to us and some of the physical issues that result from our modern unbalanced diets.

Don't let the name "Orthomolecular" scare you off. Although Drs. Abram Hoffer and Morton Walker do discuss things somewhat on a molecular level, you don't need to already be a Doctor or Scientist to read and understand what they wrote. The authors' intent was to explain this information in such away that the everyday person could pick up this book and use the information they learned to help themselves and their families attain better health.

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