Monday, August 9, 2010

Stay Hydrated

I know everyone tells you, "You need to drink more water"... big deal. But did you know, when you are only 3% dehydrated your mind stops working clearly, the average person on the street is more than 3% dehydrated. Our bodies are made up of somewhere between 60 and 70% water (depending on age, weight and gender). Water not only helps the blood flow, it also helps the body eliminate toxins. Its no surprise then that Dr Kellogg said "Water without a doubt is one of the most ancient of all remedial agents for disease." One way of elimination our bodies use, is through perspiration or just pain ol' sweating...our pores open up and the toxins are carried out. Just another important reason why we should make sure we're getting the adequate amount of fresh pure water in these hot summer months.
So the question is, "What is the best kind of water and how much?" The ideal water would be fresh unsoiled rain water, that is not run off from roofs or out of gutters. I would suggest drinking ether spring or well water not city water. An easy way for a healthy person to figure out about how much he should be drinking is, his weight in ounces divided in half, if you weighed 120 lbs the formula would look something like this 120lbs=120oz/2=60oz. It may seem like a lot at first but your body will soon get used to it, and then it will crave it, and to top it off you'll be able to think more clearly. So Bottoms up

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