Friday, May 20, 2011

It's a Dari-Ripple Night...

Was the cry that went throughout the house.
Growing up this joyous deceleration has always been started by my dad, and is only uttered once maybe twice a year.
Not any ordinary night can be a Dari-Ripple Night, its all in the air, maybe its the soft breeze, the warm sun, the song of the birds...I don't know, but there's something there and it speaks of summer.
Its on theses special nights that the rallying cry goes out, ringing up the stairs through the kitchen and down the hallway, as its passed from one excited person to the next. Everyone in the family knows when they hear it all is to be abandon, shoes found, and a quick dash made for the van. Its amazing how fast 9 people can be gathered from the four corners of the house.
Tonight was one of these nights, the call went out and we all answered, clamoring to the van for the five minute trip to Walworth.
There really is nothing that compares with a spontaneous trip to the local ice cream shop to herald in summer and good memories.
Happy Weekend Everyone

1 comment:

Tara Janelle said...

I LOVE those nights, when it just screams for ice cream! We should do one together sometime! :)